F1-F15 = play one of the first 15 animations in Catalog
arrow up = skip to previous animation event
arrow down = skip to next animation event
(Animation events are what Bliss paintings/animations are constructed of using Bliss Paint. Events draw shapes, change color synthesizer settings, and perform other special effects in the animations. In Bliss Saver, events are not editable.)
? = display information about the current animation. This includes the animation name, event number, Scribbler and Distributor IDs (four letter ID codes), and amount of free memory in Bliss Saver (in bytes). Press ? again to turn off this display.
By renaming some animations with *F01 through *F15, you can customize the Catalog window and trigger those animations using the F1 through F15 function keys.
Color Keys
Sorted by letter:
A = lavender
B = blue
C = cyan
D = black (darker)
E = olive
F = pale yellow
G = green
H = leaf green
I = indigo
J = gold
K = pink
L = white (lighter)
M = magenta
N = evergreen
O = orange
P = purple
Q = turquoise
R = red
S = sky blue
T = tan
U = mauve
V = gray
W = brown
X = maroon
Y = yellow
Z = ultramarine
Sorted by color:
black (darker) = D
blue = B
brown = W
cyan = C
evergreen = N
gold = J
gray = V
green = G
indigo = I
lavender = A
leaf green = H
magenta = M
maroon = X
mauve = U
olive = E
orange = O
pale yellow = F
pink = K
purple = P
red = R
sky blue = S
tan = T
turquoise = Q
ultramarine = Z
white (lighter) = L
yellow = Y
Waveforms Keyboard Map
Shift 1 = Sine
Shift 2 = Triangle
Shift 3 = Ramp Down
Shift 4 = Ramp Up
Shift 5 = Rise
Shift 6 = Fall
Shift 7 = Bump
Shift 8 = Square
Shift 9 = Step
Shift 0 = Spaced Step
Option 1 = Random
Option 2 = Random Walk
Option 3 = Random Square
Option 4 = Random Spike
Option 5 = Random Notch
Option 6 = Mouse Horizontal
Option 7 = Mouse Vertical
Option 8 = MIDI
Option 9 = Wacky
\ = random waveforms
comma = start/stop color animation
space = random color
; = repeat last random color
escape = avoid resetting oscillators
Oscillator speeds
The number keys (0-9) can be used to set all of the oscillators to a given speed. Zero is a speed of zero, so colors will not blend.
- = slower speeds
_ = much slower speeds
= = faster speeds
+ = much faster speeds
option shift e = random speeds
option t = slightly randomize speeds
[ = reverse directions
option d = darker ranges
option l = lighter ranges
option f = full ranges
option w = wider ranges
option shift n = narrower ranges
/ = random ranges
option m = next color model
option r = RGB model
option s = HSL model
option v = HSV model
The color models are RGB, HSV, and HSL.
RGB = Red, Green, Blue
HSV = Hue, Saturation, Value
HSL = Hue, Saturation, Lightness
All lowercase letters of the alphabet (a-z) move the oscillators gradually towards specific colors (see the color keyboard map). You must keep hitting the key to keep the synthesizer near that color. When the color synthesizer is moving it will move away from any colors you choose if you stop hitting keys. The rate of change of the colors is determined by the speed of the oscillators.
All uppercase letters of the alphabet (A-Z) move the oscillators immediately to a specific color. The color synthesizer will then move away from that color according to the oscillator speeds and wave forms. Use the Shift key or the Caps Lock key to get the uppercase letters. By alternating various uppercase letters, you can get stripes of color. By using musical rhythms, you can vary the width of the strips, and proportions of colors. The proportions and juxtapositions of colors are the medium within which aesthetic color compositions are made. Experiment and try new things, but also persevere and develop your ideas, and your efforts will be rewarded.
So that many of the keyboard commands will have a sensible effect on the color synthesizer, the triangle waveform is automatically chosen when first hitting the keyboard. To prevent the triangle waveform from being automatically selected, hit the Escape key before hitting a sequence of other key commands.